Tatkal Ticket Booking

Authorised by IRCTC
Feb 2025
Select Source City
Select Destination City
Ensure a 3X refund for waitlisted tickets if not confirmed after chart preparation.
Ensure a 3X refund for waitlisted tickets if not confirmed after chart preparation.
Opt for a free cancellation policy on train tickets to avail full refund with zero cancellation fees.
Opt for a free cancellation policy on train tickets to avail full refund with zero cancellation fees.
Utilize redRail’s confirm feature to increase your chance of getting confirmed train seats.
Utilize redRail’s confirm feature to increase your chance of getting confirmed train seats.
Take advantage of unique discounts and offers.
Take advantage of unique discounts and offers.

Tatkal Ticket Booking

Tatkal is a ticket booking scheme that was introduced by the Indian Railways to help passengers who need to travel on short notice. If you are not able to book train tickets using the General Quota, you can book tickets under the Tatkal quota. Tatkal ticket booking is applicable for all classes except Unreserved/General Class and First AC passengers. You can easily book Tatkal train tickets on redRail, an authorised train ticket booking platform. Though there are services for you to book Tatkal tickets at railway stations, you will have to stand in a long queue to get train tickets. You can have to book train tickets on Tatkal one day before the journey date.

How to Book a Tatkal Ticket on redRail?

Are you wondering how to book Tatkal train tickets online? We are here to provide you with easy steps to book Tatkal railway tickets on redRail. You can book AC and sleeper buses on redRail, offering an easy and hassle-free booking experience. Follow the stepwise instructions on the Tatkal reservation mentioned below.

  • Step 1: Visit the redRail app or website one day before the date of journey of the desired train from the origin station.
  • Step 2: Enter the names of the origin and destination stations.
  • Step 3: Enter the date of the journey and click on the ‘Search’ button.
  • Step 4: Tatkal tickets available on your desired route will be displayed on the screen.
  • Step 5: Enter your IRCTC login ID and passenger details. You can book up to 4 Tatkal tickets per PNR.
  • Step 6: Choose a payment method. Enter your IRTC login password to confirm your train ticket and finalise the booking.
  • Step 7: You can check your PNR for booking status.

Tatkal Ticket Booking Time

Tatkal booking time is for you to book tickets only a day before the journey date. For example, if you are planning to travel on 25 January, then you need to book your Tatkal tickets on 24 January. The Tatkal ticket booking time window opens at 10 AM for AC classes (except First Class AC) and 11 AM for non-AC classes. The Tatkal ticket booking timing is the same for online and offline bookings. Hence, it is recommended that you take note of the online Tatkal ticket booking time and be prepared 15 minutes in advance of the stipulated booking time.

Tatkal Ticket Booking Charges

Additional charges are levied for Tatkal ticket booking. The additional tatkal charges vary from 10% to 30% of the basic fare. For the sleeper class, it is 10% of the basic fare, while for AC classes, it is 30% of the basic fare. Here are the Tatkal charges per ticket:

Minimum Additional Charges for Tatkal Ticket Booking

  • Second Class (sitting)- Rs.10
  • Sleeper Class- Rs.100
  • AC Chair Car Class- Rs.125
  • AC 3 Tier Class- Rs.300
  • AC 2 Tier Class- Rs.400
  • Executive Class- Rs.400

Maximum Additional Charges for Tatkal Ticket Booking

  • Second Class (sitting)- Rs.15
  • Sleeper Class- Rs.200
  • AC Chair Car Class- Rs.225
  • AC 3 Tier Class- Rs.400
  • AC 2 Tier Class- Rs.500
  • Executive Class- Rs.500

Tatkal Reservation Cancellation Charges

There is a chance you might want to cancel your Tatkal train tickets due to last-minute changes in your travel plans. Below are essential points you should consider when cancelling Tatkal train tickets.

  • For confirmed tickets:
    • There is no refund for the cancellation of confirmed Tatkal tickets.
  • For RAC or waitlisted tickets:
    • In the case of RAC or waitlisted Tatkal tickets, the cancellation can be done until 30 minutes before the train's scheduled departure time. However, tatkal cancellation charges apply.
    • No refund is issued if you cancel after 30 minutes from the scheduled departure time of the train.
    • If the status of previously RAC or waitlisted tickets is shown as confirmed, then they are treated just like confirmed tickets. No refund is issued on their cancellation.
  • For Waitlisted Tickets:
    • For Tatkal tickets, where all the passengers are waitlisted even after the preparation of the final reservation chart, a refund is issued after deducting clerkage charges.

redRail by redBus makes Tatkal ticket cancellations easy. Now, you can simply view the details of your booking and find the option to modify or cancel your train tickets. You can also opt for ‘Free Cancellation’ at the time of Tatkal ticket booking to avoid paying IRCTC cancellation charges later. The ‘Free Cancellation’ option requires you to pay a nominal additional charge but in return, makes cancellation free of cost.

Difference between Tatkal and Premium Tatkal Reservation

Below are some key differences between Tatkal and Premium Tatkal Booking. 

  • Ticket Price: Premium Tatkal (PT) tickets generally have a higher ticket fare than regular Tatkal tickets, making them a costlier option for last-minute travellers. The fare for Premium Tatkal is dynamic, meaning it increases based on demand, similar to airline pricing, whereas Tatkal tickets have fixed pricing set by Indian Railways.

  • Availability: Premium Tatkal tickets are limited to select trains and routes, mainly major express and superfast trains such as Rajdhani, Shatabdi, and Duronto. Tatkal tickets, on the other hand, are widely available across most trains in the Indian Railways network, including sleeper and non-AC classes.

  • Booking Timing: Tatkal bookings open one day before the journey date, with AC class tickets available at 10:00 AM and non-AC class tickets at 11:00 AM. Premium Tatkal bookings do not have a fixed time for all trains. Therefore, the booking window may vary based on the train and route. It is essential for passengers opting for the Premium Tatkal reservation to check the exact booking time for their specific train to avoid missing out.

  • Quota: Both Tatkal and Premium Tatkal have limited quotas, but the Premium Tatkal quota is smaller and primarily allocated to AC classes (1A, 2A, 3A, and CC). Tatkal quota seats are available for both AC and non-AC classes, including SL (Sleeper), 2S (Second Seating), and CC (Chair Car), making it accessible to a wider range of travellers.

  • Purpose: Tatkal tickets are ideal for travellers who need a last-minute ticket at a reasonable price and are open to both AC and non-AC classes. Premium Tatkal is designed for passengers who prioritise travelling in AC classes and are willing to pay a higher fare for greater chances of confirmation.

By understanding these differences, passengers can make an informed decision based on budget, urgency, and travel class preferences when booking train tickets.

Tips for Tatkal Ticket Booking for Passengers

Below are some essential tips for passengers booking Tatkal tickets online. 

  • Create an IRCTC Account in Advance: Ensure you have a valid and active IRCTC account with all necessary details saved, such as passenger names, IDs, and payment options.

  • Know the Online Tatkal Ticket Booking Time: Tatkal booking time opens at 10:00 AM for AC classes and 11:00 AM for non-AC classes one day before the journey. Log in at least 10 minutes early.

  • Keep Passenger Details Handy: Save all passenger details (name, age, gender, ID proof) in a text file when booking Tatkal tickets.

  • Use High-Speed Internet: A stable and fast internet connection is crucial to avoid delays or disconnections during the booking of Tatkal tickets.

  • Choose the Right Payment Method: Opt for quick payment methods like UPI, net banking, or saved card details to speed up the process.

  • Search and Select Train Quickly: Check train availability and schedules beforehand to choose your preferred train and class during booking quickly.

  • Be Ready at the Tatkal Booking Timing: Ensure you are logged in and ready to book exactly at the opening time to secure seats.

  • Keep Alternative Options in Mind: If your first choice isn’t available, have backup trains and classes ready to avoid wasting time.

FAQs on Tatkal Ticket Booking

Can I book five Tatkal Tickets?

For every Tatkal ticket booking, you can only book a maximum of 4 tickets per PNR. If you need to book five tickets, you have to make the booking twice.

Is Tatkal ticket booking available offline?

Yes, Tatkal ticket booking is available offline at booking counters in railway stations.

How can I cancel Tatkal train tickets?

The Tatkal ticket booking can be cancelled. However, if you cancel a confirmed Tatkal ticket, you will not receive any refund. If you want to cancel RAC or waitlisted tickets, cancellation charges may apply depending on the Tatkal cancellation timing. If you cancel your Tatkal ticket more than 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time, you will receive a refund with certain deductions. However, if you cancel within 30 minutes of the train’s departure, no refund will be issued.

Can I book Tatkal 2 days in advance?

No, Tatkal train ticket booking can only be made one day before the date of the train departure from the origin destination.

Is Tatkal a confirmed ticket?
If the status of your Tatkal ticket is shown as confirmed, then it is treated as a confirmed ticket. You can use the redRail app or website to check your PNR status in just a few minutes.
Is Tatkal ticket available on the same day?

No, you will have to book Tatkal tickets one day before the journey date. For AC classes, the Tatkal reservation window opens at 10 AM and 11 AM for non-AC classes. 

How many tickets are allowed in Tatkal?

You can book a maximum of four tickets per PNR on Tatkal.

What is the difference between Tatkal and General Quota?

Tatkal quota is for passengers booking train tickets one day before the travel date with limited seats available for booking. On the other hand, general quota is a common type of train ticket booking where the booking time is 60 days in advance as per Indian Railway rules with more number of available seats.