FAQs on Tatkal Ticket Booking
Can I book five Tatkal Tickets?
For every Tatkal ticket booking, you can only book a maximum of 4 tickets per PNR. If you need to book five tickets, you have to make the booking twice.
Is Tatkal ticket booking available offline?
Yes, Tatkal ticket booking is available offline at booking counters in railway stations.
How can I cancel Tatkal train tickets?
The Tatkal ticket booking can be cancelled. However, if you cancel a confirmed Tatkal ticket, you will not receive any refund. If you want to cancel RAC or waitlisted tickets, cancellation charges may apply depending on the Tatkal cancellation timing. If you cancel your Tatkal ticket more than 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time, you will receive a refund with certain deductions. However, if you cancel within 30 minutes of the train’s departure, no refund will be issued.
Can I book Tatkal 2 days in advance?
No, Tatkal train ticket booking can only be made one day before the date of the train departure from the origin destination.
Is Tatkal a confirmed ticket?
If the status of your Tatkal ticket is shown as confirmed, then it is treated as a confirmed ticket. You can use the redRail app or website to check your PNR status in just a few minutes.
Is Tatkal ticket available on the same day?
No, you will have to book Tatkal tickets one day before the journey date. For AC classes, the Tatkal reservation window opens at 10 AM and 11 AM for non-AC classes.
How many tickets are allowed in Tatkal?
You can book a maximum of four tickets per PNR on Tatkal.
What is the difference between Tatkal and General Quota?
Tatkal quota is for passengers booking train tickets one day before the travel date with limited seats available for booking. On the other hand, general quota is a common type of train ticket booking where the booking time is 60 days in advance as per Indian Railway rules with more number of available seats.