Frequently Asked Questions
How is the train enquiry between two stations helpful?
Train enquiry between two stations helps you find the most convenient train connections for your journey. It allows you to compare different trains, their departure and arrival times, travel durations, and seat availability, enabling you to plan your trip efficiently.
If the city has more than one station, which station will I have to choose?
When searching for trains between stations, it is important to select the station that best suits your travel needs. Consider factors such as proximity to your location, convenience of reaching the station, and the availability of trains to your desired destination.
What are the other services I can avail through the redRail app?
In addition to searching and booking trains between stations, redRail offers various other services. You can explore the app to check PNR status, track train schedules, view live train running status, and get updates on train delays or cancellations.
What does RLWL and GNWL mean on the availability class of the train?
RLWL stands for Remote Location Waitlist, which means the ticket is issued for an intermediate station where the train might have a waitlist. GNWL stands for General Waitlist, which applies to the overall waitlist for the entire journey. Both RLWL and GNWL have different quotas and priorities for ticket confirmation.
What are the highest priority trains of Indian Railways?
The highest priority trains of Indian Railways include premium trains like Rajdhani Express, Shatabdi Express, and Duronto Express. These trains are known for their speed, comfort, and efficient service.